1 Thing You Can Do Today

Go for a walk with your camera

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to slow down, let alone smell the roses. But there is a powerful tool in your pocket that might help you create a sense of space in your daily routine.

You know that mindfulness is good for you, as is walking. Grabbing your camera and going for a walk combines the two with some impressive benefits. The positive effects of photography on mental health have become increasingly understood.

Heading out for a walk with your camera pushes you to observe your surroundings in a new and intentional way. Your curiosity and creativity are stimulated by considering the stories you can tell, what angles, light or subject matter you can choose. Your focus is drawn to small details you would otherwise pass by without noticing.

Nottingham University lecturer and researcher Lucian Milasan describes the joy of looking for that magic: ‘Taking pictures is like treasure hunting’.

Photography is an unexpected mindfulness tool you can add easily into your day. With smart phone cameras readily accessible, there is no excuse to miss capturing that unexpected angle or moment of beauty.