1 Thing You Can Do Today

Clean something for just 5 minutes

At the end of a work week, the last thing you feel like doing is heading home to start the ‘weekend shift’ of housework.

Instead, aim for five minutes of tidying or cleaning each day to reduce the overwhelm: even better if you can get your partner or kids to join the fun.

The five-minute approach to cleaning is as simple as it sounds: set a timer for five minutes and get to it!

Each of these tasks can be ticked off in five minutes with ease:

1. Do a quick sweep. This not only keeps your area free of crumbs and dust, it also keeps pests down.

2. Fill the dishwasher with dirty dishes and hit go.

3. Wipe your kitchen benches down.

4. Put clean dishes away in the cupboards.

5. Go through the fridge and get rid of unwanted food.

6. Give the toilet a quick scrub and wipe over the bathroom sink and counters.

7. Make your bed.

8. Put on a load of laundry.

9. Empty all the small bins.

10. Do a speed tidy – even just one room at a time.

While cleaning may not be your idea of fun, you would be surprised at how much you can get done in just five minutes, leaving you plenty of time to kick back and relax in your newly tidy space.

People Find Food Date Labels Confusing

A new study from RMIT University has found many people are wasting food because of unclear date labels and storage advice.

Use-by dates show the last day a product is safe to eat, while best-before dates show peak quality. Food should be safe past a best-before date if it is not damaged, deteriorated or perished. Even though many of the consumers interviewed, understood the difference between the two dates, they often discarded food when it reached either date.

Lead author Associate Professor Lukas Parker said date labels were widely misused by people because they were confusing.

“Consumers want clear, consistent and easy-to-read information,” he said.

“Date labels should be in a large font with contrasting colours so that they are easy to find and interpret.”

Parker said a solution could be labels with practical tips on properly storing food and sealing packaging, as the study found advice such as ‘store in a cool, dry place’ was interpreted as vague and unhelpful.

“Including specific temperature guidelines for storage on packaging would help,” he said. “Particularly in a cost-of-living crisis, people need information on how to properly store and prolong the shelf life of food.”

Value-adding: Living by What Matters

At this time of year, mention of the word ‘value’ might have you thinking of post-Christmas sales more than your psychological wellbeing, but it is also the perfect time to recommit to your personal values.

Psychologist and author of The Happiness Trap, Russ Harris, describes values as ‘desired qualities of action how you want to behave; how you want to treat yourself, others and the world around you’. Different to goals, values are more about who you want to be rather than what you want to do.

You can think about it as though your values are the map for your life journey, whereas goals are pitstops along the way.

Why define your values?

Research shows that understanding your values and acting in a way that agrees with them helps reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Setting goals that match up with your values also reduces procrastination, because you are working towards something that is meaningful and important to you. Once you know your values, things like decision-making and goal-setting become easier.

Values-based living helps build meaningful relationships, both within your inner circle as well as the wider community. Overall, your values give you a clear direction and purpose which helps you to build a richer, more fulfilled life.

How do you define your own values?

At the heart of it, values are what matters most to you. Things like being creative, having integrity, or being kind are all values.

It can be hard when you first sit down to think about values to come up with a list without a guide. You will find many value lists online.

Once you have identified your top five values, it is worth thinking about how closely you are living to those values right now. If you find things are not matching up, think about why that is and what you can do to get back on track. Values may shift a little across your life, but your core values will generally be your guideposts as you move through different stages.

Steve Hays, co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy shares: ‘Values are like a compass: they help us navigate through the challenges of life’.

5 questions to define your values

Try asking yourself these questions to get started on your values quest:

1. Who do I admire and why?

2. What am I passionate about?

3. When am I at my happiest or most fulfilled?

4. What would I stand up for, even if it was unpopular?

5. How do I want to be remembered by the people I love?

These questions will help you dig deeper on what really matters to you.

The Power of the Pause

How to start your new year with intention

As another year starts, you might be feeling the pressure to come up with a resolution, an intention, a “word of the year”. Your social media feed is likely to be full of gym membership offers or programs promising a “New Year, New You!”.

But how do you decide what is worth giving your time and energy to so that you do not hit March feeling disillusioned and defeated?

One way to cut through the noise is to hit pause and get intentional about what you want for the coming year.

Annual reflection exercises are a chance to practise self-awareness and to set a direction for the year ahead.

How to make your reflection exercise work for you

There are many ways to tackle a reflection exercise, and the most important thing is to find what works for you. That may be journalling, having a conversation with a friend or mentor, mind mapping, or letter writing. We all process information differently, there is no one right structure. What is important is that you set time aside and do it!