Eat Like a Bird: Which Seeds to Add and Why

Seeds have played second fiddle to nuts in the nutrition stakes, but for no reason. With their impressive nutrients, culinary seeds like flax, chia, pumpkin and hemp match or even surpass nuts as a healthy addition to your diet.

Rich in fibre, healthy fats, protein and essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, seeds contain all the nutrients needed to develop into plants – which is why they are so good for you too.

You cannot go wrong whatever seeds you choose, but if you are looking for a particular benefit, here are the ones that top the list.

Best for fibre? Chia seeds

Most people do not get enough fibre in their diet. We need 25 to 30 grams a day, and adding seeds to your meal is a simple way to up your intake. A 30g serving (about three tablespoons) of chia seeds contains 10g of fibre. The same amount of linseeds contains 8g of fibre, and 30g of pumpkin seeds contains 5g of fibre.

The fibre in chia seeds is mainly soluble fibre and mucilage, which gives chia the ability to swell in liquid. These fibres may help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and slow down digestion, which can prevent blood sugar spikes after eating and help you feel full. Add chia seeds to your smoothies, Bircher muesli, and as an egg replacement in vegan cake recipes.


Highest in protein? Hemp seeds

Our need for protein depends on factors including age, weight and activity level. And even if we get enough protein, we may not spread out our intake evenly over three meals as recommended. Adding any seeds to muesli or smoothies will increase protein at breakfast and sprinkled over soups or salads will boost protein at lunch or dinner. Snacking on seeds can up your protein throughout the day.

Hemp seeds contain 9.5g protein per 30g and are one of the few plants that are complete protein sources, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Pumpkin seeds have 6g protein per 30g while linseeds (flaxseeds), sesame and chia each have 5g per 30g. For comparison, one large egg contains 6g protein.


Richest in Omega 3 fats? Linseeds

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation, decrease blood triglycerides and may even reduce the risk of dementia. Fatty fish are the richest source, but plant foods also contain omega-3 fats, in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Your body has to convert ALA to other Omega-3 fats to get the health benefits, so if you do not eat animal sources of omega-3, you should aim to consume 2200-4400mg ALA per day.

Linseeds contain a generous 7050mg of ALA per 30g. Chia comes a close second with 5400mg while a 30g serving of hemp seeds has 2600mg ALA. It is best to grind the seeds to get the maximum ALA.

What is LSA?

LSA is a mix of linseed, sunflower and almond meal that adds a burst of potent nutrients to whatever you sprinkle it over.


2 seed staples for your pantry

Pumpkin (pepitas): a good source of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron, pumpkin seeds are a great allrounder, versatile and delicious toasted as a snack.

Sunflower: contains good levels of monounsaturated and Omega-6 fats, as well as being a rich source of vitamin E and selenium, both potent antioxidants.

Make a tasty snack by dry roasting half a cup each of pumpkin and sunflower seeds in a frying pan, stirring regularly. Once the pumpkin seeds start to pop, remove the pan from the heat and quickly stir through one tablespoon of tamari or salt reduced soy sauce to coat all the seeds. Enjoy warm or cold.

The Protective Powers of Stretching

Whether you are a dedicated athlete, just do occasional exercise, or are just looking for a way to improve your health and fitness, stretching is a free and accessible way to care for your body and your mind.

Stretching is all too often one of those things we rush past or overlook when considering an exercise plan. It feels a but like an optional extra, without any clear benefits. Recent research is challenging those thoughts, and it seems as though you might be missing more than you thought if you are skipping your stretches.

Human movement relies on nerves, muscles, bones and joints. In particular, the muscles around joints like your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and elbows are responsible for a lot of your day-to-day function. Tight muscles can reduce movement around your joints and cause a muscle imbalance that has a flow on effect of increasing your risk of injury.

Stretching has been shown to have benefits that extend beyond muscle movement, through:

1. Improved range of movement.

Better range of movement through joints results in more comfortable and efficient function.

2. Increased flexibility.

It is not just about being able to touch your toes. Increased flexibility is associated with improved balance and a reduced risk of injury.

3. Improved mood and focus.

A 2019 study showed stretching enhanced concentration and mood in a small group of young, physically inactive participants. Other studies have shown a reduction in stress. Taking time to slow down, tune into your body and release tension has benefits beyond the muscle group you are stretching.

4. Cardiovascular health.

This may seem unexpected, but two large studies (2020, 2023) have shown that daily stretching programs improve the function of blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, lower resting heart rate and blood pressure, and are associated with lower rates of death.

Stretching can be divided into two main types: static and dynamic. When you do a static stretch, you move your muscle to a point of tension and then hold that position for a period of time without moving. The benefit of static stretching is that less force is being applied to the muscle so there is a lower risk of injury. Dynamic stretching involves moving the muscle through its full range and then repeating that movement.


What, when, where and how to stretch?

Generally speaking, you want to make sure your stretching program covers most muscle groups rather than focusing on a single area.

The muscles that are responsible for your balance and mobility are mostly in your lower limbs: the gluteal muscles, hamstrings (back of your leg), quadriceps (front of thigh), and calf muscles all benefit from a stretch.

If you spend a lot of time sitting or in front of a screen, focusing on your lower back, neck and shoulder stretches can reduce discomfort and improve your posture.

To get the most out of stretching, make sure your muscles are warmed up first – this can be done with a short walk.

  • Move into the stretch, stopping at the point at which you first feel discomfort (not pain).
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds then release.
  • Repeat this action 2-4 times.
  • Never bounce while in a stretch, this ballistic form of stretching is associated with a high injury rate and is not recommended.

Eat Smarter


The avocado can lay claim to being the original food celebrity. Few cafes do not offer smashed avocado on toast for brunch, and its bright green hue and rich creamy texture makes avocado a favourite for wellness bloggers.

But avocado is far more than a pretty colour.

Healthy fats. Avocado is the only fruit apart from olives to be rich in healthy, monounsaturated fats. These can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood, lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also help you absorb essential fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin E, promote healthy skin, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Fibre. Do not be misled by their creamy texture. Avocados are a rich source of fibre, with 14 grams in each one, about half the recommend daily amount of 25-30 grams. Getting enough fibre every day feeds the healthy bacteria in your digestive system.

Added benefits. Vitamins C, E, K and the B group, and the minerals magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese are all essential for your brain and body to function at its best. A daily avocado provides them all. What is more, avocados are packed with bioactive compounds including carotenoids such as lutein (important for eye health) and phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth has a name-bruxism. If left untreated this painful condition can do some damage, wearing down your teeth and even affecting your jaw joints.

Bruxism can happen during the day, or when you are asleep. While you might notice and stop clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth during the day, it can be challenging to manage at night.

When asleep you can clench more tightly and grind your teeth with up to 113 kilograms of force, and some tell-tale symptoms may emerge. Because your jaw muscles tighten during episodes of bruxism, a first sign might be pain and stiffness in your jaw, particularly when you are eating breakfast. Or you may notice a dull headache or ear pain, aching teeth, or unusual sensitivity in your teeth.

Or you may be unaware there is anything wrong at all, until you go for a dental check-up.

Teeth grinding can lead to worn down, fractured, chipped or loose teeth, or cracked or broken fillings and crowns. It also strains your jaw joint, which can result in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems.


What causes teeth grinding?

It is difficult to identify a single cause of bruxism, but some factors increase the probability.

  • Stress and anxiety are among the leading causes.
  • Lifestyle factors, including alcohol, smoking and caffeine.
  • Snoring.
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Drugs, including antidepressants, anti-psychotics, amphetamines and cocaine.

What is the best treatment?

As soon as you notice any signs of teeth grinding, see your dentist who can assess and repair any damage to your teeth.

Next you want to remove the cause if possible. Stress management techniques such as relaxation, cognitive behaviour therapy and hypnotherapy can help. Good sleep hygiene and regular exercise are also important. Your dentist or doctor may suggest being checked for sleep apnoea of this is a possible cause for you.

Your dentist may recommend a custom-made occlusal splint to wear at night. This protects your teeth from damage and decreases the symptoms from the muscles and jaw joint linked to the grinding.

If the cause of your teeth grinding is emotional, contacting a support service can help. Ask your doctor or Google for details of support services in your local area.