Are you constantly tired?

We have written about tiredness and fatigue syndrome before because it is such an important subject and affects both physical and mental health at home and in the workplace.


Some people can feel tired even though they appear, on the surface, to have enough sleep. If this is the case they might try a short nap during the day or have an early night but sometimes this doesn’t help.


Tiredness is a complex issue and it can affect your entire being and cause headaches, aching muscles, moodiness, short-term memory problems, poor concentration and low motivation. If all this sounds more like a mental health issue then you may be right.


Constant tiredness can impact on your personal and work life and will affect your ability to do your job and have an impact on the health and safety of those around you dependent on the sort of work that you do.


If you do feel tired all the time then examine the quantity and quality of your sleep but for many of those who visit the doctor complaining of fatigue it’s most likely that something else is to blame for the lack of sleep and constant feeling of exhaustion.


The cause of fatigue isn’t always obvious, and you may have an underlying medical problem such as anaemia, and underactive thyroid sleep apnoea, diabetes, heart problems or an auto immune disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis


It can also be a side-effect of any medication that you might be taking so your to examine doctor should investigate the potential knock-on effect of any prescription medicine that they recommend before you take it.


Alternatively, feeling tired all the time can be a response to your personal lifestyle, or your social and psychological issues rather than a medical condition. Here are a number of possible reasons why you might be tired all the time.


Top of the list is stress, anxiety or depression because studies suggest that between 50 and 80% of tiredness is due to psychological factors. Stress and emotional shock such as a bereavement or a relationship break up can leave you feeling worn out. In fact,  fatigue is regarded as one of the main symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder and depression which affect up to 7% of the worlds population. The good news is that doctors and health professionals will be able to help.


Insufficient iron. The mineral iron is essential for transporting oxygen in your blood so if you’re not eating enough iron rich foods you’re likely to feel constantly tired women are more prone to developing and efficiency than men because of their menstrual cycle.


If you suspect that this could be the reason for your tiredness examine your diet and consider foods that are rich in vitamin C.


Exercise. It’s probably the last thing you feel like doing if you’re constantly in a state of tiredness but research shows that regular low intensity exercise can boost energy levels and people suffering from fatigue.


Even a brief 15 minute walk and help and one British study found that yoga was effective at increasing energy. Why exercise alleviates fatigue isn’t clear but study findings suggest physical activity axed directly on the central nervous system to increase energy.


Dehydration. You can feel tired when you are mildly dehydrated. We see more and more people carrying bottles of water these days and this is a very sensible remedy to ensure that you do not become even mildly dehydrated. If you’re planning to exercise ensure that you are well hydrated before you start and sip water throughout your work out re-hydrating afterwards.


We hope that some of these tips may help you if you are one of those who feel constantly tired. Please review our other blogs on the same subject which you may also find to be of assistance.


Remember, Mayfair we care

Are you looking after yourself?


Self-care is not high on our list of priorities until something bad happens. We need to avoid this and to become more aware of the messages that our mind and body are sending to us all the time.


Here are three essential issues that you should watch out for:

You have trouble falling asleep

You’re exhausted but you can’t get to sleep. These problems often occur when your nervous system is not behaving itself and is a sign that all is not well. You will need to devote some time to try and rebalance your system


Concentration levels drop.

Deadlines are looming and you’re running out of time, but you simply can’t focus. You find yourself attending to unimportant issues and leaving more pressing tasks half done. The important ones don’t even get started! Why can’t you focus?


The truth might be that you need a break and complete rest from what you are doing.


Small things irritate you.

The slightest problem sets you off. The doorbell rings and your mobile phone goes at the same time and you just feel that you can’t cope.


This is a sign that you are not yourself and that your mind is overloaded.


What to do about it

Decide to take better care of yourself – now.

Choose one thing that you will do every day to assist the feelgood factor.


This could be getting regular exercise or going to bed early, meditation or socialising but whatever you choose, do it consistently.

Don’t be over ambitious

It is pointless to set yourself an exercise target that is unachievable.


Set achievable targets for yourself and the satisfaction when you accomplish these targets will be immense. The targets can be revised as necessary.


Take a break.

Taking a break makes you feel stronger, refreshed and re-energises you.


Start exercising in a way that you would enjoy. A jog or walk in the sunshine, a swim, your favourite sport – all of these things and many more will improve your mood.


In summary, there is only you that knows how you feel therefore it is your responsibility to take good care of yourself and hopefully these simple hints and tips will help.


Mayfair, we care.


Trouble sleeping at night?


Many of us struggle with both getting to sleep and staying asleep and we have probably tried every trick in the book including avoiding electronic screens before bedtime, avoiding caffeine before bedtime, and the deep breathing techniques / meditation.


Some work, some don’t so we offer some fairly surprising tips about getting to sleep that may be worth trying if you have issues in this area of your life which is having impact on other things.

 Try to stay awake!


Yes. As silly as it sounds, this reverse psychology stems from a Scottish study who told one group of insomniacs to lie in bed and stay awake with their eyes open, and told another group to try to fall asleep as they normally would.


After two weeks they found that the group which had been told to try and stay awake fell asleep more quickly and easily than the other group.

 Get up.


Yes, get up and out of bed, sit in a different environment and read a book or something equally calming.


This is particularly useful when you wake up during the middle of the night. Beds should be associated with sleep and not with lying awake, so by changing the environment you will break the association and when you’re feeling sleepy after a couple of chapters, go back to bed to sleep.

Change your body temperature.


The ideal body temperature for sleep is one that is cooling. Your body will naturally get sleepy as the temperature cools down in the evening.


To accelerate this, have a warm bath or shower before bed and try to keep your room around 18° C if you can.


Plunge your face into cold water!


This one is a real surprise and it sounds like totally the worst thing you could possibly do!


However, according to the Mammalian Dive Reflex plunging your face into cold water can help reset the nervous system and aid the sleep process. It may not sound logical but by doing this you will slow the heart rate and become more relaxed.

The Brain Dump


We have referred to this elsewhere and it is logical that if you go to bed with the events of the day and thoughts of tomorrow on your mind then you will find sleeping a challenge.


The brain dump involves a notebook and pen by your bedside and for you to write down all the issues that may be on your mind. When that done – light out and go to sleep safe in the knowledge that you will not forget important issues in the morning because they are recorded.


Good luck and if you have any tips that work for you, please let us know!

Mayfair, we care.