We have more labour-saving appliances, smart
gadgets and improved ways of working than we have ever had before. However,
this does not appear to be freeing up any time and most people seem busier than
The pace of life, the pace of change, and the
pace of technology is increasing at year on year. This is not necessarily a
good thing for us as individuals. Perhaps we need to be aware that by slowing
down a little we can improve our life immeasurably?
Everything seems fast these days from fast food,
to fast deliveries of goods we order, to superfast Internet and smart lanes on
motorways getting us to places quicker, the advances in technology are vast and
enable us to carry out increasing numbers of tasks quickly and easily. Doing
more things more quickly does not translate into more ‘me’ time though, in fact
during what should be ‘me’ time we spend it in front of our mobile phones,
tablets or laptops getting more stimulation and the more stressed we become as
a result.
We are now in addicted to this fast pace of
life, This ability to connect and be connected with information on the outside
world every minute of the day. Next time you are on public transport please
take a look around you and count up the number of phones that are being stared
at as opposed to the number of people actually talking to one another. The
result is frightening.
On the rare occasion when we might experience an
Internet outage we are frantic because we are not connected and this
expectation of constant connectivity means we are losing our relationship with
the natural rhythms of life.
So how can we
correct this shift to experience a slower pace of life?
Here are some ideas.
you truly believe you are addicted to your smartphone then why not try to
detach yourself from the it for periods of time every week.? Initially, try an
evening without the phone, then perhaps half a day, then a full day. You may be
surprised at how enjoyable it is to read a book or concentrate on the
television programme instead of it being on in the background. On public
transport, why not leave the phone in your pocket and people watch or enjoy the
gentle 5 to 10 minutes stretching routine before bed each night whilst
concentrating on your breathing will not only calm you this will also cooks you
away from your phone before bedtime.
for a walk in the evening without your smart phone and enjoy the scenery in
your neighbourhood take in the different architecture, trees and shrubs. This
will have a calming influence.
There is a tendency to cram as much activity into leisure time as we
possibly can. This somewhat contradicts the term leisure time! Why not schedule
time just to sit in the garden and read, listen to music, have a coffee, enjoy
the surroundings. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy this.
So your challenge is to fit periods of slow
living in to your busy life and become engaged on a different level, allowing
your mind to switch off and simply be you in achieving a great work / life balance.
we care.