is not high on our list of priorities until something bad happens. We need to
avoid this and to become more aware of the messages that our mind and body are
sending to us all the time.
are three essential issues that you should watch out for:
You have trouble falling asleep
exhausted but you can’t get to sleep. These problems often occur when your
nervous system is not behaving itself and is a sign that all is not well. You will
need to devote some time to try and rebalance your system
Concentration levels drop.
are looming and you’re running out of time, but you simply can’t focus. You
find yourself attending to unimportant issues and leaving more pressing tasks
half done. The important ones don’t even get started! Why can’t you focus?
truth might be that you need a break and complete rest from what you are doing.
Small things irritate you.
slightest problem sets you off. The doorbell rings and your mobile phone goes
at the same time and you just feel that you can’t cope.
is a sign that you are not yourself and that your mind is overloaded.
What to do about it
Decide to take better care of
yourself – now.
one thing that you will do every day to assist the feelgood factor.
could be getting regular exercise or going to bed early, meditation or
socialising but whatever you choose, do it consistently.
Don’t be over ambitious
is pointless to set yourself an exercise target that is unachievable.
achievable targets for yourself and the satisfaction when you accomplish these
targets will be immense. The targets can be revised as necessary.
Take a break.
a break makes you feel stronger, refreshed and re-energises you.
exercising in a way that you would enjoy. A jog or walk in the sunshine, a
swim, your favourite sport – all of these things and many more will improve
your mood.
summary, there is only you that knows how you feel therefore it is your
responsibility to take good care of yourself and hopefully these simple hints
and tips will help.
Mayfair, we care.