The Power of the Pause

How to start your new year with intention

As another year starts, you might be feeling the pressure to come up with a resolution, an intention, a “word of the year”. Your social media feed is likely to be full of gym membership offers or programs promising a “New Year, New You!”.

But how do you decide what is worth giving your time and energy to so that you do not hit March feeling disillusioned and defeated?

One way to cut through the noise is to hit pause and get intentional about what you want for the coming year.

Annual reflection exercises are a chance to practise self-awareness and to set a direction for the year ahead.

How to make your reflection exercise work for you

There are many ways to tackle a reflection exercise, and the most important thing is to find what works for you. That may be journalling, having a conversation with a friend or mentor, mind mapping, or letter writing. We all process information differently, there is no one right structure. What is important is that you set time aside and do it!