Whether you say tom-ay-to or tom-ah-to, these tangy fruits
are a good all-round health choice to add to your shopping basket.

Tomatoes are full of health benefits. Eaten raw in salads,
they provide a rich source of vitamin C, folate, magnesium, zinc and potassium
all of which are essential nutrients and minerals.
Vitamin C is a health all-rounder. It supports your immune
system, helps increase iron absorption and promotes healthy skin. Potassium
helps with blood pressure control and heart disease prevention, while folate is
important for normal cell growth and function. Magnesium is thought to help in
post-muscle recovery.
Cooked tomatoes (think roasted or in soup and pasta sauces)
come into their own as a major source of the antioxidant lycopene. The heat of
cooking makes lycopene easier for your body to absorb. Lycopene is linked to
brain health, possibly reducing the risk of dementia, heart health as well as
lowering cancer risk, for example in prostate cancer studies.
Finally, tomatoes are a great source of both water and
fibre, making them an excellent gut health option.
Tomatoes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours and
flavours so get curious and start exploring today!