1 Thing You Can Do Today

Have a warm shower before bed

Do you have trouble getting off to sleep? Try a warm shower before bedtime, say sleep experts.

Studies have found that people who bathe before bedtime fall asleep faster. In the hours before bedtime, a human’s core body temperature naturally cools, while skin temperatures of the hands and feet increase. Scientists believe that immersing your body in warm water aids this natural temperature regulation process, improving sleep as a result.

It is important to get the timing right, says sleep physician Dr David Rosen.

“Make sure your warm shower is at least one hour before bed, because that is what is best supported by research,” he says.

Dr Rosen says the warm shower habit can become part of your bedtime routine, like stopping harmful sleep habits such as screen time, and starting helpful ones like creating a restful bedroom environment.

Can a cold shower help you sleep too? While there are benefits to cold showers, improving sleep does not seem to be one of them. Cold water tends to be stimulating, raising levels of the hormones cortisol and norepinephrine which can boost your alertness.