The Importance of Movember 2018

It’s that time of the year again.

Movember 2018 is just around the corner, and everyone is raring to begin their month-long shaving hiatus. As we prepare to see the best and wackiest moustaches that Movember 2018 has to offer, this year’s theme, ‘Stop Men Dying Too Young,’ reminds us of the cause we support by putting aside our razors once a year.    

The Movember Foundation has been operational for the past 15 years and is currently the leading men’s health charity in the world. The foundation’s goal coincides with this year’s theme, and over the span of a decade and a half, Movember has funded over 1,200 projects focused on men’s health, with an aim to reduce young men’s mortality rate by 25 percent in the next 12 years.

Movember 2018 objectives   

The Movember Foundation plans to achieve this by focusing on three serious conditions: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. In 2018 alone, 164,690 new cases of prostate cancer, which is the second most common cancer affecting men in America, were reported, and 29,430 people died from it [1]. Close to 10,000 new cases of testicular cancer were diagnosed this year. Although only 1 in 250 men develop testicular cancer in their lifetimes, an approximate 400 deaths have been recorded in 2018 [2].    

The Movember Foundation contributes to biomedical research projects that look for better treatments of prostate cancer and testicular cancer. In addition to that, it runs several initiatives that focus on helping men with mental conditions with a focus on reducing men’s suicide rates.   

Different programs

Changing Rooms is one such program. The football-based project, which was launched this year in April, has worked successfully in bringing together men through a mutual love of football but with an aim to guide them towards better mental health. The program focuses on teaching men how to manage mental health issues like anxiety and depression.   

The Global Action Plan, the foundation’s biggest global initiative, tackles the needs of prostate and testicular cancer patients, ensuring that every patient gets the social, psychological, and physical support needed to increase their survival rates. With such a high success rate in the UK, the project is exploring how intensive exercise can also improve the survival rates of prostate cancer patients.   

TrueNTH is an initiative that was formed under the same principles and is currently the Movember Foundation’s largest global project, serving a total of eight countries. Its main aim is to improve the quality of life for testicular cancer patients and their loved ones. Thus far, the organization has achieved this through improving the availability of healthcare professionals, introducing support programs, and providing useful treatment information to the patients.   

TrueNTH advises a proactive approach to managing testicular cancer through the supported self-management program, which encourages men to perform regular checks on themselves and to look out for symptoms of both testicular and prostate cancer. It has also launched a portal [3] where patients of testicular cancer can access information on how to cope with their condition.    

The Movember Foundation has funded numerous suicide prevention and mental health projects to provide support to men with mental health issues, and to give them the encouragement to talk to others about their problems. In addition to that, the charity also launched Ex-Cell 50+, a re-integration program targeting older male offenders who are looking to set up businesses within the community.    

In summary

As you witness the madness of wild moustaches this Movember, remember that at the heart of the campaign lies a serious cause to curb the premature deaths of young men all over the world. The charity has dedicated itself to bettering the lives of people across the globe by tackling issues that men rarely open up about. As you participate in Movember 2018, you can also help by spreading awareness about the problems that bring about early deaths in men, and how Movember is aiding in their eradication.   

Mayfair, we care.







A Royal Focus Back on the Zika Virus

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle, are in Sydney as they start their 16-day tour. The widely anticipated tour of Tonga and Fiji from October 23 to 26 has brought the spotlight back on the Zika virus.

The pregnant Meghan Markle had been advised to reschedule the tour itinerary to exclude Fiji and Tonga due to the risk of Zika Infection. 

The Duchess, who is expecting her first child, announced that the tour would go on as planned despite the presence of the dangerous virus. Sources say that the couple took the medical advice and all Zika virus infection concerns into consideration before deciding to proceed with the Southern hemisphere trip.

However, it's worth noting that the Duchess has been told to keep away from the jungles and rainforest of Tonga and Fiji. This is just part of the precautions that the couple is taking in light of the circumstances.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization released a world map defining the areas with risk of Zika infection. The Pacific islands of Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands are listed as moderate’ risk.

What is the Zika Virus?

Out of the spotlight recently, the Zika virus is an emerging virus in the Flavivirus family that includes dengue, yellow fever, West Nile and Japanese encephalitis viruses.

The virus was first discovered in Uganda back in 1947. The 1st confirmed infection was realized between 1962-63. The first known outbreak occurred in 2007 in the Western Pacific.

Six years later, another one happened in French Polynesia followed by other minor outbreaks in other Pacific Islands. Zika virus was introduced into Brazil somewhere between 2013 and 2015, causing a large epidemic that peaked in November 2015.   

Zika virus spreads to people mainly through when an infected Aedes mosquito species bites you. The mosquitos that spread the virus can strike at any time during the day.

This virus can be spread during intercourse with an infected person as well as from an expectant mother to her unborn during the pregnancy or even around the time of birth.  Many individuals infected with the virus will not exhibit any symptoms or will only have mild symptoms.

The most prevalent symptoms are fever, joint pain, headache, rash, red eyes, and muscular pain. The symptoms can last for several days to a week. It is rare for a person to get sick enough to require hospitalisation, and death from Zika is very rare.

The main risk of the virus is with regards to pregnant women. This is the primary reason why Meghan and Harry’s South Pacific caused so much concern.  Zika infection during pregnancy can cause congenital disabilities such as microcephaly. Microcephaly is a birth defect whereby the baby’s head is smaller than normal when compared to babies of same sex and age.

There have also been increasing reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome in areas affected by the virus. This is a very uncommon sickness of the nervous system.

The Takeaway 

Overall, there is no vaccine to prevent Zika. The best way to prevent its spread is through protection from mosquito bites. Given that Meghan and Harry have decided to proceed with the tour as scheduled, it is safe to assume that will be taking the necessary precautions to minimize any risk of Zika Infection. As such, all those concerned about the well-being of their Royal Highnesses should rest easy, and equally, all those planning a trip to ‘risk’ areas should carry out full research in advance and take medical advice.

Mayfair, we care.

Mood Hoovers and their effect on others


Everyone gets a bad hair day, but mood hoovers always seem to be in a negative zone, drawing everybody else into it and destroying any good vibes, positive energy and determination.

Unless you are a very special sort of person able to rise above it when you see them, mood hoovers will always suck your energy leaving you deflated and demotivated. There are a lot of them too! Gallup research reveals that 70 % of employees at all workplaces are demotivated.  

Who is a mood hoover?   

These people are always down, walk into a room with slumped shoulders, lack joie de vivre - they are sad, they are tired, bored and lacking in motivation. Mood’s are catching, and mood hoovers always find a way to infect people with their never-ending moaning.   

Are you a mood hoover?    

Are You always complaining about one thing or another? Do you feel lethargic and miserable all the time? Do you focus on the negative things in your life but rarely the positive? Do you feel like nothing motivates you anymore?

Damn, you are a mood hoover!

You are an infestation at your place of work, every person you encounter and everything you exaggerates how you feel and brings others down as well.     

Stop being a Mood Hoover and become a Mood Radiator!   

Think about the people whose life seems full of positivity – wouldn’t you like some of that? Guess what? You can have it with some changes of attitude.

Try to see the good in everything. On a cold sunny day don’t focus on the cold, focus on the clear blue sky. If you buy a new smartphone, don’t focus on the difficulty in setting it up and learning the new technology, focus on how much easier it will make aspects of your life!

 Remind yourself of your best talents and strengths, an achievement you accomplished, or the things you are benefiting from the job you say you don’t like.    

Hang out with positive and optimistic friends, go to the gym, eat a balanced diet and find recreational ways to let go.’ Always see the positive, feel the positive, and express the positive no matter what everyone else thinks.   

How to handle mood hoovers    

Three things you can do to avoid your energy sucked away by these people. But you will need strength especially when the office mood hoover happens to be your best friend.

Repel their negativity   

Brace for impact whenever you encounter mood hoovers. This is the time to remember all those quotes about positivity you ever read. Just don’t allow yourself to be dragged down by what they say.    

If they ask why?’ your reply would be why not? ’

It will never work’ your response would be what do you think would work,

’I hate my job,’ your response would be “what are you still doing here,’ or why don’t you find something that makes you happy?’

There are all manner of answers to throw them off balance, and win them over    

There is a curse of negativity all around. It is not imaginable either - wrong and unfair things are happening every day. Mood hoovers might not have the psychological stamina to withstand and weather the emotional hurricanes - but thank heavens you do.

You could do one better- become a mood radiator so that even the mood hoovers can benefit from your positive energy.   Or avoid them    

If you can do neither of the above, avoid them. Plain and simple. Walk the other way when you see them walking your way. Eventually, they will get the point. Surround yourself with positive , like minded people . It is survival.    Always seek to be the spark that inspires and motivates your colleagues at work.

Everyone hass a bad hair day sometimes; you can be the glue that holds everything together. It is in your best interest to do that.

Remember, Mayfair we care.


Keeping Physically and Mentally Fit at Sea


Sailors cruise for months on end before ever setting foot on land. If keeping physically and mentally fit is problematic on the ground, then it is a lot worse at sea.

There is no space and work out tools are limited. Motivation can be low, and routines can become dull too quickly. Seafarers must be creative to stay healthy.     

Below are some examples how seafarers, Marine Corps, and cruise vacationers keep fit.   

Stand-up paddle-boarding   

Stand up Paddling is a sea exercise that has been carried down through generations of island communities. This type of water sport / exercise was invented by surfers who were looking for a way to burn calories on board.

Today, many sailors take breaks from their vessels to hit the waters with a board and paddle.    Paddle-boarding engages all the muscles of the body, and all the while your brain will be at work keeping balance and maintaining course.

Your leg muscles and core will come in handy to stabilize your stance on the board. As you paddle, you will be engaging muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back. The fact that paddle boarding requires both mental and physical attention makes it a very useful exercise at sea.   


Space is the biggest impediment to keeping fit afloat.

Kayaking has paved the way for many sailors and delivers similar fitness results as hiking or treadmill running would on land.

There are portable and inflatable kayaks that don’t take up much space on board but efficiently build muscles on water.

Apart from the foldable and inflatable kayaks, the long and slender hard kayaks are also small enough fit on deck. Kayaking is a moderate exercise that sailors use to relieve stress and strengthen their muscles.   

Kayaking engages muscles on the chest, arms, shoulders, and back. Your core muscles participate in the workout as you rotate your body pushing forwards on the paddle. For an intense exercise, sailors choose to kayak against a current. That is equitable to an extraordinary work out at the gym.  


Most sailors keep carrying a rowboat on board for making short sea trips while fishing or as an emergency measure when something goes amiss on the big vessel at sea. This same rowboat can be the ideal workout machine at sea.

A daily morning routine on the canoe can help sailors burn calories and attain the right frame of mind.   


Just like rowing and kayaking, swimming is a relaxing exercise that sailors love to indulge. While at sea, you must find conducive waters with less stray currents to cool off the afternoon heat and engage your muscles.   

You can do laps around your boat or ship while racing with your fellow seafarers. That is a chance to have fun while burning calories.

Sometimes you will get a chance to spot beautiful marine life - that makes it more compelling.   

Seafaring is not the laid back and comfortable life that many like to imagine. So far away from home, and so far away from your doctors it falls on you squarely to do everything you can to stay fit both physically and mentally. Swimming, kayaking, and canoeing are some of the ways to stay fit at sea. Either that or you will fall victim to obesity, heart attacks and epidemics in the corners of the world that you traverse.    

Mayfair, we care.


Obesity Health Risks

Obesity is in the news again and that is because it is more than a surface issue; it is an international, detrimental health risk.

Obese individuals are at higher risk of premature death as opposed to average-weight individuals.


Obesity is linked to numerous acute health risks among them:    

  • ·       Diabetes   
  • ·       High B.P
  • ·       Stroke/Heart disease
  • ·       Gallbladder disease and gallstones
  • ·       Cancer
  • ·       Sleep apnea    

Doctors unanimously consent with the fact that the more obese an individual is, the higher their risk to health problems. Individuals who are overweight may benefit from numerous health benefits by losing excess weight.

Many doctors recommend that anyone who is slightly above their normal weight limit (20 %) ought to work on shedding off excess weight particularly if they exhibit the following risk factors:    

Chronic ailments family history:

Individuals whose family has a previous history of diabetes or heart disease should be cautious since they are susceptible to developing these conditions especially if overweight.    

Pre-existent ailments:

High cholesterol levels of cholesterol, as well as blood sugar, or even high B.P are among various signs that can hint obesity-related diseases.   

 "Apple" shapes:

Individual whose weight is mainly concentrated just around the tummy might be at a higher risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, as well as cancer compared to other individuals of similar weight but who are otherwise ‘pear’ shaped (weight is concentrated more on their butt and hips).    

Fortunately, even the slightest loss of weight can inspire substantial health improvements like bringing down the cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

So here are some of the most common health risks of obesity:    

•  Stroke and Heart Disease     

Stroke as well as heart disease rank as among the most prominent causes of disability and even death for individuals in the USA. Obese individuals are more likely to suffer from high B.P, which is a significant risk factor for stroke as well as heart disease.    

Significantly high cholesterol levels may also result in heart disease not to mention it is often associated with obesity. Being overweight is also a primary contributor to angina (pain in the chest resulting from reduced oxygen to the heart.) as well as suddenly succumbing to stroke or heart disease without any symptoms or signs.     Luckily, shedding off a little weight can bring down your chances of developing stroke or heart disease. Cutting down your weight even by the slightest of percentages can bring down your chances of heart disease development.    

•  Diabetes  

 Type 2 diabetes compromises the ability of your body to regulate blood sugar. Diabetes is a significant contributor to heart disease, blindness, stroke, as well as early death. Overweight individuals are twice more susceptible to developing diabetes (type 2) as opposed to healthy weight individuals. To diminish your chances of getting diabetes, you should exercise more and lose some excess weight.      Alternatively, if you already have diabetes, shedding excess weight as well as getting in shape can help in regulating levels of blood sugar. Furthermore, boosting your overall physical activity can similarly help you minimize the diabetes medication you are taking.    

•  Cancer    

There are various types of cancers linked to obesity. For women, uterus, cervix, gallbladder, colon, breast,  and ovary cancers are among the most prominent. As for men, they are susceptible to prostrate, and colorectal cancer.   

 •  Sleep Apnea    

This is an adverse breathing condition that is closely allied to obesity. This ailment can lead to heavy snoring not to mention a person stopping to breathe for short time frames during their sleep. Moreover, sleep apnea can also cause daytime sleepiness as well as heart failure.     Susceptibility to sleep apnea goes synonymously with the increase in body weight. Therefore, weight loss alleviates sleep apnea.    


While there are numerous health risks and risk factors associated with obesity, the good news, however, is that you can regulate them by changing your lifestyle. If you are suffering from obesity, you can benefit from a weight-loss program from your physician. With an objective of shedding between 5 and 10% of your present body weight, you can effectively reduce your risk of developing any obesity-related health risk.    

Mayfair, we care.

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Does exercise improve your mood?

Every one of us has probably heard countless times that exercise and a full body check-up is good for us in more than one ways.

Maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle is one of the most challenging tasks in our modern lives. There are so many pressures from our profession, social lives, personal, family issues and others.

These matters are something all of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes it can get difficult trying to find a good balance between all these equally important aspects of our lives. While others are good at finding a balance, some will struggle throughout their entire lives. 

For those who struggle a lot, there is the possibility of mental stress which may lead to mental health issues at a later stage in their lives. In dealing with this problem, many health professionals have recommended the use of exercising as a major mechanism for dealing with stressful life and ultimately improving your mental capacity in dealing with the pressures of life.

Exercising is onerous at times when we just don’t feel like it, but it has numerous benefits besides building muscles and burning fat because it can be the most effective way of eliminating stress and improving your mood. 

Making it a habit

Getting regular exercise can help your body produce brain chemicals called endorphins that are known to improve mood. You don't even need to participate in an intense exercise, a brisk 20-minute walk should be enough to help your body produce these feel-good chemicals.

The best way of making the most of exercise is to find one that you enjoy and that you will carry out regularly to help maintain your fitness levels as well as your mood. This will also improve your overall health, which is another thing to feel good about. 

Keeping a consistent exercising routine will help improve your mental health and will, in turn, increase your capacity to juggle between your profession, family, social and all the important activities that make life worth living.

While this benefit is quite obvious, many people do not have the discipline to carry it through for a consistent period of time.  Statistics made available by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that people suffering from mental problems such as depression, amounts to about 300 million.

That is a huge and shocking number by all standards.

Fortunately, this is a problem that can easily be avoided if people took matters into their own hands. (  By exercising, a person is able to improve his or her mood, reduce symptoms of stress, anger, and depression, and ease anxiety and reduce cognitive decline.

Endorphins are hormones in the body that help improve your mood when the body inactive. Exercises such as running, jogging or walking are a few routines that can help you increase your endorphins.  Another form of hormones that improve your mental alertness is neutrophils and monoamines. This is related to the white blood cells. The white blood cells improve on your immune system with assistance from the neutrophils and monoamines.

Mayfair, we care.


September is World Alzheimer’s Month 2018

World Alzheimer’s Month 2018 is September

Alzheimer’s disease affects over 50 million people worldwide and is ranked among the top ten leading causes of death that cannot be prevented or treated. Statistics further show that it is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. The theories that follow are yet to confirm whether the disease is associated with protein build-ups in the brain, known as amyloid plaques and tau tangles.

Alzheimer’s causes an erosion of neurons responsible for the transmission of messages within the brain. Although it may take many years for these changes to take effect, many symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease can be spotted earlier. 

Over the years there has been a lack of understanding and knowledge surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and people have failed to offer the type of support that other conditions attract.

It is in this regard we appreciate the works and hearts of those willing to honour the month of September which marks the 7th World Alzheimer’s Month.

A global campaign that began in 2012 it is aiming to raise awareness of the disease as well as challenge the stigma surrounding dementia.  World Alzheimer’s Month 2018 is an initiative sponsored by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) to unite people living with dementia, opinion leaders, families and caregivers, researchers, medical experts, including media.

How we can help

This September is an opportunity for you, including businesses and charities to hold events that raise awareness concerning the effects of dementia. Participants of this awareness campaign can join the rest of a global family by getting campaign materials from ADI.

For those who are unable to organize their own event, they can participate in events organized by their National Alzheimer’s Aid.    

How to participate

Share a message Social media especially Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram is with no doubt one of the most effective and easiest ways to share a message. This is an interactive option where you can raise awareness by posting a note that is informative and straight to the point.

You can write a note on a paper and take a photo to share an experience about a loved one, or an inspiring story you may have come across. Use hashtags to effectively pass the message out there, for example, #RememberMe or #WAM2018.

Make an audiovisual A picture speaks a thousand words, but an audiovisual speaks a million. A good number of previous videos used in Alzheimer’s disease campaign have gone viral. Having a short and simple video that puts the point across is important. Remember to use the hashtags to make it easier to increase your views on social platforms. Audiovisuals have also played a major role in raising funds for the awareness campaign. 

There’s plenty of information online and offline to educate your followers. Posting a fact-a-day about Alzheimer’s disease including other dementias is recommended.

Apart from postings, you can acknowledge the September occasion by wearing purple ribbons and wristbands.

As we continue to learn more about the disease and raise awareness, it is important to include regular exercise, healthy diet, healthy social relationships and challenging mental activities to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Mayfair, we care.


International Day of the Disappeared 30th August - Cherishing Memories

30th August is the day when loved ones get to commemorate and pay respect to those who vanished for various and always unknown reasons.

Recognition for the day by the United Nations was inspired by the activities of the Latin American Federation of Associations for Relatives of Detained-Disappeared.

This organisation founded in 1981 has been working for the rights of those secretly imprisoned or abducted.    Family, friends and loved ones get closure in the case of death, but with disappearances, the wound of separation of the missing piece in the family jigsaw remains fresh even after years.

Currently, thousands of people are missing across the world due to war, conflict, natural disasters, secret government operations and abductions.  

Why is the day important? 

By marking the United Nations International Day of the Disappeared, governments, organisations and local communities get to participate in activities that support the families of the affected.

Disappearances are a humanitarian situation that needs addressing. The subject is usually complicated, challenging and rarely on the top agenda – but on 30th August, attention gets drawn to the direness.

Forced disappearances  

In 2017, Malaysians were chilled by what they guessed to be religious vigilantism. These were planned kidnappings that occurred more randomly than in isolated cases. It was said that Malaysian Islamic Societies feared the threatening spread of Christianity, so they targeted Christian leaders. 

In the same year, Egypt had 378 cases of government-related forced disappearances. These are just examples of forced disappearances due to complicated and somewhat inexplicable reason.

There are worse and similar cases happening in Uganda, Syria, Pakistan, Venezuela and many other places.  Human Rights Activists and Journalists  Human rights activists have gone missing.

Both dictatorships and democracies have enacted forced disappearance as a way to silence critics on the opposition and the media. Journalists have been imprisoned in foreign countries with no communication to their families or mother countries.

Today we have the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.  Countries bound under this treaty have agreed to stop forced disappearances as government operations, to make forced disappearances illegal and punishable and to halt secret detentions.

It is eight years and counting since the enforcement of the convention. But reality and signatures on paper don’t often rhyme. 

What you can do?

 30th August is a call to action not just to remember the missing persons, but also to work actively to rectify the situation. Organisations like Amnesty International, the Red Cross or the UNHCR take that opportunity to highlight the steps they have made in securing justice for the secretly imprisoned.

You can take part in the fight against secret imprisonment by donating to these bodies or volunteering. Activities might involve visiting specific groups of prisoners, taking care of them and transmitting messages back and forth with time families... 

Activities on the International Day of the Disappeared go beyond the secretly detained to include those in exile because of conflicts or those separated because of natural disasters.

You can be part of groups that assist affected families to calm them psychologically and take care of their humanitarian needs. Tracing the disappeared is also an essential highlight of the day -30th August.

The missing might be in detention camps, marooned in foreign countries, hospitalised or dead. As a volunteer on the International Day of the Disappeared, you can participate in finding out information about these cases to bring connection or closure to affected families. Like with all other humanitarian situations, no one is immune.

Today it is them, and tomorrow it could be us. Topic; International Day of the Disappeared 30th August- Cherishing Memories and Seeking Answers.

Mayfair, we care.


Vaping - force for good, or some hidden evils?


British lawmakers are pushing to moderate the strict vaping laws to encourage people to quit smoking.

Vaping, or using e-cigarettes, is estimated to be about 95% less toxic than smoking conventional cigarettes, and according to the British parliament, the science behind vaping shows great health benefits if regular smokers can be encouraged to switch.    

But this is happening in the backdrop of a fierce debate as to whether e-cigarettes present any long-term health risks. There have been several studies that suggest that e-cigarettes deliver some toxic chemicals on their own, though the toxicity levels are much lower than in cigarette smoke.      

For the most part, e-cigarette enthusiasts believe that the ban on smoking in public places should only apply to conventional cigarettes. And some people are acting on that belief - it's not unusual to see people lighting up their e-cigarette devices at train stations, restaurants, and other public places.      

And why not?

The argument that e-cigarettes are harmless is based on the fact that there is no combustion, and therefore no smoke. If there's no smoke, it means there's no second-hand smoke. Without the second-hand smoke, the non-smoking public who are in the vicinity can't be affected; right?    

For the longest time regular smokers have been relegated to standing outside in the cold or blistering heat to get their fix; but now as e-cigarettes continue to permeate conventional society, many more smokers will consider making the switch.     

But is there really no risk?    

There are a lot of conflicting studies about vaping and its long-term effects but real data is limited because the entire e-cig business is relatively new and a lot of studies are still ongoing. With that said, there are still genuine concerns about vaping and how increasing nicotine concentration in the air might generate compounds that have been linked to lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.      

One study published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health found that vaping pouted air quality and released harmful compounds like formaldehyde, nitrosamines, and lead. Further studies in Singapore have led them to ban vaping so there are obviously issues.       

But even with this kind of data, there's still a general argument that vaping is much safer than smoking actual cigarettes, and most health experts seem to agree. Much of what causes health damage in cigarettes occurs through combustion and since vaping eliminates smoke, then most of those carcinogens are avoided.    

At a time when smoking kills more people than any other preventable cause of death, it makes sense why lawmakers in Britain are in favour of amending legislation to make it easier for smokers to use e-cigarettes. Even though the long-term effects are still being investigated, most people agree that eliminating conventional cigarettes is better for everyone.    

Legislators have called for incentives to promote vaping; in the form of reduced taxation and a possible review of the approval system to prescribe them as valid quit-smoking products.

So, as the UK government finds ways to reduce smoking related deaths, for the moment non-smokers seem not to be the priority in this discussion. Also, we simply don't know enough about how vaping affects the non-smokers (who are the majority).  

For smokers who soon may be allowed to vape at public places, restaurants, and train stations, the effect on non-smokers is a lot like finding feet on seats. It’s just not pleasant for other people.      

Mayfair, we care


Sources:  2012-050859.abstract


The Threat of Disease X


For the people who study disease outbreaks, there's always a fear that a new infection or outbreak that nobody knows about will catch us unaware.

There are literally thousands of unknown viruses circulating around the globe, and dozens of incurable diseases for the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) to worry about. As if this weren't enough, we have labs around the world that experiment on biological agents to make them more deadly – all it takes is for one of these pathogens to find a human host and we have a real situation in our hands.   

The World Health Organisation recently put out a blueprint highlighting their research on priority diseases, and as you might expect there were a lot of known threats like Ebola; but they also added what they see as a new global threat: Disease X.       

What is disease X?    

It is the unknown.

All the other diseases on the list are known conditions like the haemorrhagic fever Ebola, or other recent cases like SARS or Zika, but the WHO has reason to be worried.

Bacteria and viruses often mutate and become deadlier and more infectious, and there's always a risk that new diseases could jump from their host to humans.

If a new pathogen appears and causes a pandemic, it’s likely that we won't know how to react to it.      Like we've seen with other pathogens such as the Zika virus, we're not prepared to handle a global pandemic, and if such a disease struck today the effects would be catastrophic.

What can we expect from disease X?  

According to the WHO, disease X could turn out to be a mutation of a disease we don't yet consider serious. It's not unusual for a non-threatening disease to mutate.

As we saw with coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, even the most innocuous virus can evolve into a serious pandemic that kills thousands. Just like the Zika virus, these were considered relatively safe until they mutated and killed people.     

A Mutated Flu    

Virologists and other experts warn of a looming global pandemic that could possibly come from a mutated version of a known pathogen.

One of the most genuine threats we face is that of a mutated flu, and as we count a hundred years since the 1918 influenza pandemic, some people believe the next pandemic is overdue.

According to George Poste, a member of the Blue Ribbon Study Panel that focuses on Biodefense, and a fellow of the Harvard Medical School, a pandemic is inevitable in our generation.      

Our factory farm system might turn out to be the perfect breeding ground for renegade bacteria and viruses. We have so many birds and pigs being reared in the same space, and its possible that a bird flu can acquire genes that allow it to infect mammals like pigs - and humans.

The viruses that come out of that could one day infect humans on a pandemic scale.   To keep these kinds of threats manageable, we probably need a number of disease-monitoring organizations that focus on emerging threats and bioterrorism.

Remember, a new outbreak is going to happen at some point; it’s how we respond to it that matters. For now, disease X is still a talking point, but the World Health Organisation is warning us to stay alert and informed, just in case a pandemic hits.

Mayfair, we care