your sleep
Where a pair of socks. Recent research has
indicated that wearing socks can significantly improve sleep quality people who
were socks full asleep 15 minutes earlier stay asleep during the night and
sleep for 30 minutes longer.
Try listening to your favourite music.
Neuroscientists in the UK have specified that one song in particular, Weightless
by Marconi Union resulted in a 65% reduction in overall anxiety. The song was created
with this in mind, and a 10 hour version of Weightless is available on
Try replacing our current snacks with nuts or
seeds. They supply a number of essential nutrients and Brazil nuts in
particular contain fibre, protein, vitamin E, iron, copper, magnesium and zinc,
as well as healthy mono unsaturated fats.
Chocolate. Sometimes it’s good to have something
that you like. It improves the mood and need not threaten health. If you like
chocolate, consider eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Why? Chocolate with the cocoa content of
60% or more offers health benefits such as antioxidants. Dark chocolate
contains less sugar and fat but more fibre so you will eat so less of it because
it is more filling.
Milk chocolate is only 10 to 20% cocoa and
mainly consists of cocoa butter, fats and sugar – so less good for you.
One top tip to help you remember things is to
write it down – writing by hand strengthens the memory more-so than recording
things on a keyboard. The process of writing, along with the sense of touching
paper and hep aids memory
We need to stay physically active to be healthy
and the simplest way of doing this is to go for a regular walk. It’s free, it’s
easy, it’s convenient and it is a low impact activity. This means that you are
less likely to cause injury than if you were jogging or running.
For cardiovascular health the faster we walk,
the better it is for us and vigorous walking requires about 130 steps per
minute so count those steps when you’re out today.
we care.