Do You Suffer from Comparisonitis?

It can mentally derail you with a one-two punch of envy and shame. And yet it is surprisingly common. Learn how to recognise comparisonitis, and how to manage it.

“All it takes is the hint of someone doing or having something you perceived as ‘better’ than you, and it hits. A feeling takes over – intense, blinding, gutting. Your brain starts spinning with toxic thoughts about yourself (or others), and you are left feeling ashamed, guilty, and even worthless.”

“It is called comparisonitis. And if you have suffered from it, you are NOT alone.” – Melissa Ambrosini, in Comparisonitis.

Why do we compare ourselves?

Comparison starts out as a positive technique.

Looking at what other people do has been essential to our survival. As children, we learnt by observing those around us. And hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors learnt how to avoid danger by watching who survived, why and how.

Yet too often, we turn it from a positive into a debilitating negative.

Social media does not help. We see everyone’s highlights reel – the best moments of their holiday, the most stylist shots of their loungeroom, their children’s achievements – and we compare it to the worst of our lives. As the saying goes, you are comparing your insides to everyone else’s outsides.

Social Comparison Theory is a psychological theory that says there are two kinds of comparison:

1. Upwards: we compare ourselves to those we think are better than us.

2. Downwards: we compare ourselves to those we think are worse than us, to try to make ourselves feel better.

How to manage it

In her book, Comparisonitis, author and podcaster Melissa Ambrosini provides a four-step formula for freeing yourself from the cycle of negative comparison. She uses the acronym ACES.

  • A is for awareness: become aware that you are comparing. Sometimes you might notice the feeling, before you realise what you are thinking.
  • C is for choose: choose a different path. Ask yourself, what do you want to feel instead? You do not have to get stuck in the feelings of unworthiness.
  • E is for eliminate, or exit or exhale: eliminate the trigger that caused your spiral into comparison. If it was Instagram for example, then log out and move onto something else. It is not about avoiding difficult situations or feelings, but instead noticing them and managing them.
  • S is for shift your state: take action to change your energy. Get up and do something that lifts your spirits, such as dancing or listening to upbeat music.

How to use comparison as a gift

Ontological Coach and founder of Being, the Change, Chyonne Kreltszheim, suggests that the process of comparing yourself to others can be turned into a power for good.

She says, “The gift of comparisonitis is that it tells us what is important to us. It is a marker of our needs, values and priorities. It is like a signal being sent up from the depths of our subconscious mind to remind us that something we care about is at stake.”

The trick, she says, is to stay curious and ask questions so we can learn from the feelings, and not get caught up in them.

For example, if you are feeling unsettled by a friend’s recent promotion, ask yourself, “Why is this bothering me?”

If it is highlighting your own frustration in your current role, you could use it as motivation to take your job to the next level.

“Use the comparisonitis to find out what you really want and invest your energy in moving towards that,” says Kreltszheim.

Eat in Season

Do you know which fruits and vegetables are in season right now? Or do you tend to choose the same ones all year round?

In our urban societies, we have lost touch with the natural seasons. We can now get apples, bananas and tomatoes all year round and we never question their availability. Yet we evolved to eat what was seasonal – and it worked.

Before winter, trees would deliver crops of vitamin-C rich food like oranges and lemons, and the ground would be full of nutritious and warming beets and sweet potatoes.

As summer hit, we will get hydrating melons and juicy berries.

Food that is in season tends to be cheaper, due to supply and demand. It is also better for the environment, because you are not flying or shipping products all the way from the other side of the world hemisphere. But most of all, it is good for your health.

Many fruits and vegetables will have overlapping growing seasons or varieties that are in season at different times. Keep an eye out for signs saying ‘local product’.

So what to eat and when?

Spring: mandarins, paw paw, apples (spring varieties), beans and peas, onions (especially spring or salad onions), bok choy and choy sum

Summer: apples (summer varieties), mangoes, pineapple, bananas, watermelon, asparagus, silverbeet, tomato, corn

Autumn: avocado, rhubarb, plums, pomegranates, brussels sprouts, eggplant, celery

Winter: kiwifruit, pear, oranges, grapefruit, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, leek, swede

Lacking Energy?

Low iron may be to blame

You are tired. That is unusual in our fast-paced world. But do not ignore persistent fatigue as it could be a sign you are low in the essential mineral, iron.
Without enough iron, you are going to feel below par. Fatigue is often the first thing you notice because when you are low in iron, less oxygen reaches your tissues, thanks to iron’s role in helping red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.

Iron is also necessary for energy production and fighting off infection. So along with fatigue, you might start to experience shortness of breath, frequent infections, headaches, dizziness, and cold hands and feet.


How common is iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, says nutrition researcher Dr Tim Crowe on his blog “As well as affecting many women and children in developing countries, it is the only nutrient deficiency that is also significantly prevalent in developed industrialised countries too.”

Iron deficiency is estimated to affect over 1.2 billion people worldwide, particularly young women after they have started menstruating. Women lose iron in blood every month, and if their intake of iron-rich foods does not compensate for this loss, they risk becoming deficient.

Is iron deficiency the same as anaemia?

“Iron deficiency is not a black and white thing. It develops in stages with anaemia being the final result.” Says Dr Crowe. Anaemia is when your blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells, and you can be low in iron but not yet have anaemia. Blood tests ordered by your doctor can tell you what stage you are at.

Do not be tempted to take an iron supplement ‘just in case’ unless your doctor recommends it, as they can cause side effects and can be toxic in high doses.

Do I have to eat meat to get enough iron?

You are less likely to be low in iron if you eat meat because the iron in animal foods is more easily absorbed by our bodies. Liver is the richest source, followed by red meat (lamb, beef and kangaroo), then pork, chicken, shellfish, fish and eggs.

Plants contain iron too, just in a form not so well absorbed. But you can increase how much you absorb by including a source of vitamin C with a plant-based meal. This might be a glass of orange juice, a salad of raw tomatoes and red capsicum, or fruit such as kiwifruit, citrus fruit or berries.

Good plant sources of iron include nuts, dried fruit, legumes and tofu, and dark leafy green vegetables.

Eat Smarter

Peanut butter

Whether you are in team smooth or team crunchy, peanut butter is one of the world’s most popular spreads. But is it a healthy choice? That depends.

A product that is 100 per cent peanuts has many nutrition benefits:

  • Protein. Peanuts are a legume (like beans, peas and lentils) and so are protein rich.
  • Fibre. Peanut butter has 1.8g fibre in a tablespoon.
  • Heart-healthy fats. Half the fat in peanut butter is made up of oleic acid, a healthy type of monounsaturated fat.
  • Vitamins and minerals. Vitamins E, B6 and B3, folate, magnesium, copper and manganese, and heart-healthy polyphenols.

But peanut butter is not always just peanuts, found researchers from consumer advocacy group Choice. They tested peanut butters on offer in supermarkets and found many contain added sugar and salt. The amount varies, so it pays to read the label. If the product is not 100 per cent peanuts, look further. Some contain both sugar and salt, while others just a pinch of salt.

Some “light” varieties have 25 per cent less fat, but Choice warns that the trade-off is a product that is about 25 per cent less peanuts and padded out with a type of starch typically used as a thickener or filler.

If it is important to you, you might also want to check if you can buy peanut butter made from local ingredients.

How to Love Exercise

Do you have a friend who enthuses about how awesome their mega-hard workout was? Yet you have hated exercise since primary school? Here is how to learn to love physical activity.

The U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has identified five key factors in loving exercise: enjoyment, self-efficacy (that is, having the choice), social support, accountability and integration into your daily life.

Author and coach, Tony Robbins says the first factor, enjoyment, is all about mindset.

“Learning how to enjoy exercise is part mindset and part practice,” says Robbins. “By adopting the attitude that exercise is enjoyable, you are able to embrace fitness as part of a holistic wellness strategy.”

Robbins advises looking at your beliefs, your goals and your preferences.

1. Reconsider your beliefs

Many of us formed negative beliefs about exercise from enforced gym classes at school. These beliefs may no longer apply. Robbins says, “Take time to examine your beliefs regarding exercise… Where did the negative beliefs come from? Are they still true to your adult life or are you clinging to outdated beliefs that no longer serve you?”

2. Reconsider your goals

If you are only exercising to lose weight, you will find it discouraging. Plus, you will miss out on all the other benefits such as helping you feel better – mentally, emotionally and physically.

Robbins says, “When you start focusing on energising your body, improving your health and enhancing your life, you will start to view exercise as a healthy decision instead of an obligation.”

Instead of focusing on the number on the scale, focus on how you feel after your workout, or even the next day. Do you feel more energised? More relaxed? Over time, you will start to feel stronger and more confident.

3. Reconsider your choices

Hate running? Do not do it. Do something else. Try something else, just for fun, with no expectation. Remember, any type of physical activity that elevates your heart rate is a form of exercise.

YouTube is full of free videos of wildly different and interesting exercises. Try a dance tutorial, or drumming on the ground.

Or, if you find socialising motivates you, consider joining a local social group. This could be a weekend hiking group or a community team sport. Or just arrange a regular time to walk with local friends or colleagues.

Unique exercise ideas to inspire you

Use these budget-friendly ideas as a starting point for new and fun ways to move.

- Skip rope. Look up skipping routines in YouTube – there are thousands! You do not need to buy a proper skipping rope, just use an old rope or long strap at home.

- Go to a playground. This one is more fun with a friend. Go to a kids’ playground and play on the equipment. Try the monkey bars, go up and down the slide as many times as you can. (Tip: better to do when playgrounds are emptier, such as toddler dinnertime, and make sure the equipment can hold your weight!)

- Birding. It is walking – with a purpose. Go for a walk or hike and look for birds. You could use an app such as Merlin Bird ID, or just write it in a notebook. Or if birds are not your thing, look for particular cars, or bikes or a random focus such as unique letterboxes or street art.

Should You Be Worried About Antinutrients?

Search online for ‘antinutrients’ and you might be concerned. According to some sites, you should steer clear of foods you have always thought were healthy.

Antinutrients are compounds in plants that help protect them from threats like bacterial infection and insects. They are high in foods like wholegrains, legumes and leafy greens – foods we are told to eat more of.

The problem with antinutrients is that they can bind with certain minerals in our bodies – notably calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc – making them less available.

Common antinutrients are:

  • oxalates, found in leafy greens, tea, beans, nuts
  • lectins, found in beans, peanuts and wholegrains
  • phytates, from wholegrains, seeds, legumes and nuts, and,
  • tannins, found in tea, coffee, legumes, berries, chocolate and wine.

Antinutrients sound pretty scary – after all, we do not want to be eating foods that may lead to a mineral deficiency. A quick online search might alarm you even more. Many sites claim these ‘plant toxins’ are behind inflammation, autoimmune disease, weight gain and kidney problems. Fortunately, most of these claims are not backed by evidence.

Do we need to ban the beans?

According to Tuffs Health & Nutrition letter, there is no evidence that antinutrients in commonly consumed foods lead to mineral deficiencies. It says that a varied diet should give us plenty of minerals, and the small percentage we cannot absorb because they are bound to antinutrients should not be a problem.

If you eliminated or reduced the foods that contain antinutrients you would lose vital sources of dietary fibre, vitamins including A, C, E, B group, K and E, minerals healthy fats, phytochemicals, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. The health benefits of a diet rich in plant foods far outweighs the minerals lost through antinutrients.

The benefits of antinutrients

Many antinutrients, rather than something to avoid, are now even considered health-promoting, says Jill Joyce, Assistant Professor of Public Health Nutrition at Oklahoma State University. Writing in the Conversation, Professor Joyce says that the most frequently eaten antinutrients can support the immune system, lower the risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, and may decrease cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

This does not mean you should never give them a second thought. If you are at risk of a disease related to mineral deficiencies, such as osteoporosis with calcium deficiency or anaemia with iron deficiency, speak to an Accredited Practising Dietitian for advice on how to monitor your food choices for antinutrient content.

Can we reduce antinutrients?

Soaking, boiling or other high-heat processes remove many antinutrients, and in some cases, such as certain lectins, it is essential that we destroy them.

Boiling beans for at least 10 mins inactivates the lectins, as does the canning process. Be warned that cooking in a slow cooker without first boiling for 10 minutes will not destroy the lectins.

Let Us Talk About Flossing

Did you try flossing your teeth recently, and then stop when your gums bled? It is a common problem.

Many of us avoid the whole idea of flossing. We do not even like to talk about it. And when we try it, we discover our gums bleed so we stop, out of fear.

We fear it is serious, like gum disease. And we fear our dentist will judge us or tell us off like a naughty child for not looking after our gums. So we avoid the dentist as well.

But in actual fact, a bit of blood when you floss is normal, particularly if you do not floss often. It does not mean it is healthy – healthy gums do not bleed. But it does not mean you should stop: it means you should floss more often.

The cause of the bleeding is the plaque which has built up between your teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the surface of the teeth, between the teeth and above and below the gums. If plaque is not cleared away, it can lead to gum disease, as plaque can irritate and inflame your gums. When you try to remove the plaque buildup by brushing or flossing, your swollen, inflamed gums start to bleed.

Keep flossing twice a day, and if the bleeding does not stop after a few weeks, see your dentist for a proper clean and advice.

How to floss

1. Take approximately 30-45cm of floss and wind it around your middle fingers on each hand. Hold the floss so that the string is tight and use your thumbs and index fingers to control it.

2. Gently slide the dental floss between the teeth.

3. Use a gentle up and down motion to rub the floss along the side of each tooth. The floss will be able to go slightly under the gums to remove the plaque from this area also.

4. Remove the used floss and then move on to the next space using a new section of floss or rinsing the string on a flossette under running water.

Body Language in the Digital Age

Humans are experts at non-verbal communication. It is how we understand what is going on, and how we signal our feelings to others, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

So what happens when we are not in the same room together? How can we read someone’s body language when we cannot see their body?

Erica Dhawan, author of the book, Digital Body Language: how to build trust and connection no matter the distance, says “non-verbal cues (facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, pitch) comprise nearly three-quarters of how we understand one another in person.”

“The loss of non-verbal body cues is among the most overlooked reasons why employees feel so disengaged from others… disengagement happens not because people do not want to be empathetic but because with today’s tools, they do not know how.”

The end result is that we often assume too much from tiny clues, or misinterpret what we read and see.

“We all need to be aware that our digital body language emits signals, deliberate or not,” says Dhawan.

In a digital workspace, your non-verbal communication comes across through your presence on video calls, and your words and punctuation on texts, chats and emails. Let us look at each of these:

Communication via online video

Without the normal cues, people will make assumptions based on small actions.

A 2022 survey of 200 executives showed that 92 per cent believed that employees who turned off their cameras during meetings were less likely to have a long-term future at their company.

Then there is all the cues you are sending out even when you have your camera on.

Research shows that even factors such as your camera angle and your distance from the camera influence how likeable you seem.

Mi Ridell, an expert in body language based in Sweden says, “In the digital setting we have to think about the set-up, and accept that it is a new way to communicate.”

“If a colleague positions their camera below the chin, forcing others to look up to them, we do not like them as much as if they are on the same level.”

We need to learn new techniques, such as how to make eye contact on a video call.

“The brain wants to look at the face [on the screen]” says Ridell, “but you have to learn to look in the camera when it is your turn to speak.”

Yet at the same time, the usual rules of respect for others’ time still applies. When someone is talking, show you are listening. Lean in rather than slouch back, smile when someone makes a joke, nod encouragingly when someone tries to explain something.

Communication via writing

Do you end a text to colleagues with a full stop? It might be seen as aggressive.

And how about exclamation marks? Do they show enthusiasm? Or desperation?

The tiny nuances of how we communicate via text, chat and email can take on great significance.

According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the tone of our emails is misinterpreted 50 per cent of the time.

You cannot control how others interpret your punctuation and emojis, but you can apply the basic rules of respect – even when you are busy. Think about the impact of how long you take to respond to someone. Too long and it can feel like you do not value them. Too fast and it can seem you are not putting thought into it.

Gratitude and appreciation are still vital. Take the time to thank people, sincerely and in your own words, for their contribution. You cannot pop into their office at the end of the day to thank them, but you can send an email or message at the end of the day to acknowledge their work, before logging off for the evening.

Download an Audio Book

Love reading but a little short on time? Then how about listening to an audiobook while commuting, exercising, cooking or cleaning?

Some avid readers dismiss audiobooks, saying they are just not as good as the real deal (and they mean the proper, paper kind).

But to our brains, there is little difference, says Discover magazine.

“In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from the Gallant Lab at UC Berkeley scanned the brains of nine participants while they read and listened… Looking at the brain scans, the researchers saw that the stories stimulated the same cognitive and emotional areas, regardless of their medium.”

Psychology Today also points out the many ways listening to novels and non-fiction can help us to become not only better read, but also improve our mental health too. If you are prone to anxiety or depression it can be hard to focus enough to read. But listening to someone else read aloud can help replace your daily worries and negative thoughts with something else. As an extra boost to your mental health, you can take your audiobook with you on a walk.

Another bonus of audiobooks? They help relax your overworked eyes and take you off screens. Too long spent looking at screens can lead to eyestrain and long-term vision problems like myopia. Ditch the screen at the end of the day and curl up with an audiobook instead.

Frozen Peas

Reaching for the frozen peas when your fridge is empty is not avoiding meal preparation. Despite their image as the vegetable of last resort, here are four reasons why frozen peas deserve a place at your dinner table.

1. Protein.

Have you noticed that pea protein now sits alongside other protein powders? Peas are a legume like chickpeas and kidney beans, and so are a rich plant-based source of protein, containing about 5.4g per 80g serving. This is one reason why they are so filling.

2. Low GI.

If you need to monitor your blood sugar levels, peas’ low glycaemic index and high fibre content will help. They contain a form of starch that slows digestion, releasing glucose slowly into the bloodstream.

3. Rich in nutrients.

Like many frozen fruit and vegetables, peas are picked when at the peak of their ripeness and snap frozen within hours. Some studies find that frozen produce may have more antioxidants and vitamins than their fresh counterparts. The nutrients in peas include vitamins A, C, K, thiamine, folate, polyphenol antioxidants, and the minerals iron, manganese and phosphorus.

4. Convenient and low cost.

With rising food prices, buying frozen is one way of keeping costs down. And storing them in your freezer drawer means you will not be throwing out vegetables that are not used by the end of the week.