Obesity Health Risks

Obesity is in the news again and that is because it is more than a surface issue; it is an international, detrimental health risk.

Obese individuals are at higher risk of premature death as opposed to average-weight individuals.


Obesity is linked to numerous acute health risks among them:    

  • ·       Diabetes   
  • ·       High B.P
  • ·       Stroke/Heart disease
  • ·       Gallbladder disease and gallstones
  • ·       Cancer
  • ·       Sleep apnea    

Doctors unanimously consent with the fact that the more obese an individual is, the higher their risk to health problems. Individuals who are overweight may benefit from numerous health benefits by losing excess weight.

Many doctors recommend that anyone who is slightly above their normal weight limit (20 %) ought to work on shedding off excess weight particularly if they exhibit the following risk factors:    

Chronic ailments family history:

Individuals whose family has a previous history of diabetes or heart disease should be cautious since they are susceptible to developing these conditions especially if overweight.    

Pre-existent ailments:

High cholesterol levels of cholesterol, as well as blood sugar, or even high B.P are among various signs that can hint obesity-related diseases.   

 "Apple" shapes:

Individual whose weight is mainly concentrated just around the tummy might be at a higher risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, as well as cancer compared to other individuals of similar weight but who are otherwise ‘pear’ shaped (weight is concentrated more on their butt and hips).    

Fortunately, even the slightest loss of weight can inspire substantial health improvements like bringing down the cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

So here are some of the most common health risks of obesity:    

•  Stroke and Heart Disease     

Stroke as well as heart disease rank as among the most prominent causes of disability and even death for individuals in the USA. Obese individuals are more likely to suffer from high B.P, which is a significant risk factor for stroke as well as heart disease.    

Significantly high cholesterol levels may also result in heart disease not to mention it is often associated with obesity. Being overweight is also a primary contributor to angina (pain in the chest resulting from reduced oxygen to the heart.) as well as suddenly succumbing to stroke or heart disease without any symptoms or signs.     Luckily, shedding off a little weight can bring down your chances of developing stroke or heart disease. Cutting down your weight even by the slightest of percentages can bring down your chances of heart disease development.    

•  Diabetes  

 Type 2 diabetes compromises the ability of your body to regulate blood sugar. Diabetes is a significant contributor to heart disease, blindness, stroke, as well as early death. Overweight individuals are twice more susceptible to developing diabetes (type 2) as opposed to healthy weight individuals. To diminish your chances of getting diabetes, you should exercise more and lose some excess weight.      Alternatively, if you already have diabetes, shedding excess weight as well as getting in shape can help in regulating levels of blood sugar. Furthermore, boosting your overall physical activity can similarly help you minimize the diabetes medication you are taking.    

•  Cancer    

There are various types of cancers linked to obesity. For women, uterus, cervix, gallbladder, colon, breast,  and ovary cancers are among the most prominent. As for men, they are susceptible to prostrate, and colorectal cancer.   

 •  Sleep Apnea    

This is an adverse breathing condition that is closely allied to obesity. This ailment can lead to heavy snoring not to mention a person stopping to breathe for short time frames during their sleep. Moreover, sleep apnea can also cause daytime sleepiness as well as heart failure.     Susceptibility to sleep apnea goes synonymously with the increase in body weight. Therefore, weight loss alleviates sleep apnea.    


While there are numerous health risks and risk factors associated with obesity, the good news, however, is that you can regulate them by changing your lifestyle. If you are suffering from obesity, you can benefit from a weight-loss program from your physician. With an objective of shedding between 5 and 10% of your present body weight, you can effectively reduce your risk of developing any obesity-related health risk.    

Mayfair, we care.

Source Links:   

https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000348.htm    https://www.onhealth.com/content/1/health_risks_associated_with_obesity

