Should You Worry About a Leaky Gut?

’Leaky gut syndrome’ gets blamed for a range of vague, unpleasant symptoms but the jury is still out on what causes it and whether we should be concerned.

Your gut (intestines) is your body’s first line of defence. This long tube through which food and waste pass is lined by rows of cells that prevent unwanted substances from escaping – things like disease-causing bacteria – while allowing smaller particles, such as nutrients, to pass freely into your bloodstream.

What do we mean by ‘leaky gut’?

Sometimes the tight junctions between the cells can become weaker, allowing some nasties to sneak across the intestinal wall, explains gut health dietitian Dr Megan Rossi, founder of the Gut Health clinic and author of Eat More, Live Well. Scientists call this ‘increased intestinal permeability’, or more colloquially, ‘leaky gut’.

‘Leaky gut syndrome’ is a popular diagnosis in the world of alternative therapies, says Rossi, and the theory goes like this: toxins enter the bloodstream through gaps, or junctions, between the cells in your gut wall. This triggers a cascade of inflammation which leads to unpleasant symptoms from digestive issues like bloating and cramps through to eczema, autoimmune disorders, migraines, fatigue and depression.

While some of these conditions are associated with chronic inflammation, the link with leaky gut has not been proven.

Common culprits behind leaky gut are said to include sugar, gluten and lactose (the natural sugar found in milk), says Rossi, and you may be told you can heal your gut by cutting out these foods. Scientific studies do not support these claims.

What we know so far

All of us experience a more permeable gut lining from time to time, caused by alcohol, certain medications, a high fat meal, and even stress. Once the trigger is taken away, the junctions between the cells usually tighten back up, says Rossi. Fortunately, she explains, even if a toxin does make it through your gut wall, your immune system is there waiting to deal with it.

Tamara Duker Freuman is a New York-based dietitian specialising in gut disorders. Writing at, she says researchers who study intestinal permeability have observed it in connection with a small number of conditions, the best-studied of which are the inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, and coeliac disease. If you have coeliac disease, it is gluten that causes the intestinal permeability, which resolves when you take gluten out of your diet.

How to protect your gut

Duker Freuman warns that the leaky gut diets you will find online may be further damaging your gut, rather than healing it.

Many of these call for the elimination of so-called inflammatory foods, such as grains. But this can result in a lower intake of fibre, she says, which is especially good at nourishing your gut microbiota.

When you deprive your gut bacteria of the fibre they need, they start to eat away at the mucus lining of the gut. This is a problem, says Duker Freuman “because a depleted mucus layer lining the gut makes a person more susceptible to infection by disease-causing bacteria.”

“If you are truly worried about your gut’s leakiness, you may be better off looking to expand the variety of whole, plant-based foods you eat-not culling it.”

If you experience any unexplained symptoms, gut-related or otherwise, do not assume leaky gut is to blame. Start by seeing your doctor, who can refer you to a dietitian or gastroenterologist if needed.

Can You Cure a Hangover?

A thumping headache, raging thirst, nausea, fatigue, irritability and muscle aches. There is little to love about a hangover, and when you are in the middle of one, all you want is a cure, and fast.

Do not be deceived by miracle cures online. The only guaranteed way of avoiding a hangover is not to drink alcohol. But if you would like a few drinks without the hangover the next day, then there are some things you can do before, during and after drinking that will help.

Do not drink on empty stomach. Eat a meal or large snack before drinking, as this will slow the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream. One study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that when compared to men who drank on an empty stomach, those who ate beforehand had a ‘pronounced’ lowering of blood alcohol levels. Eating also increased the speed at which the alcohol was cleared from their bloodstreams.

Stay hydrated. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you need to urinate more. Dehydration is not the only cause of a hangover but it contributes to many of the familiar symptoms – thirst, fatigue, headache and dizziness.

Increasing your water intake while you are drinking alcohol (try alternating between water and alcoholic drinks) will help keep your blood alcohol level from rising too fast and may reduce some of your hangover symptoms.

Make sure you keep up your water intake the following day too, to help counteract dehydration.

Eat a good breakfast. The first thing when you wake you with a hangover, get some food to help you maintain your blood sugar levels.

Low blood sugar does not necessarily cause a hangover, but it can worsen symptoms such as nausea and fatigue.

Eating a healthy breakfast – eggs on wholegrain toast with spinach, for example, or muesli with fresh fruit and yoghurt – can also give you vitamins and minerals that may be depleted after excessive alcohol intake. Studies have found that zinc-rich foods – such as nuts, seeds, eggs and wholegrains – may help.

Try painkillers. If you need some pain relief, try an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. It is best to avoid paracetamol. Your liver breaks down both alcohol and paracetamol, and your body is more susceptible to the toxic effects of paracetamol when you drink alcohol.

Eat Smarter

Capsicum: which colour is better?

You are in the produce aisle and you are faced with a choice of red, yellow or green capsicums – possibly even orange too. Which one gives you the most nutritional bang for your buck?

Firstly, it is good to know that these are all the same vegetable: red, yellow and orange capsicums are just riper versions of green capsicums. They all have the same macronutrients, as in fibre, protein, carbohydrates.

However, the micronutrients do vary.

In a battle of the capsicums, red would win on phytonutrients and vitamins. Compared to green capsicums, red capsicums have almost 11 times more beta-carotene and one and a half times more vitamin C.

The yellow ones still have more vitamin C than the green ones, but less than the red version.

In short, red, yellow and orange capsicums have higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants, but they are often more expensive. Green capsicums are still a very good source of fibre along with vitamins A, C and E, plus iron and zinc.

Not sure what a capsicum is? They are also known as bell peppers, sweet peppers or peppers in many places.

7 Ways to Sleep Better in the Heat

Hot, humid nights do not have to spell disaster for your sleep.

To get deep, restorative sleep your body needs to cool down before bedtime and stay cool. But hot temperatures make this much harder, leaving you waking unrefreshed and irritable. Here are some simple tips to help you beat the heat.

1. Keep curtains and blinds closed. Stop your bedroom getting too hot during the day by closing your curtains or blinds when it is forecast to be hot.

2. Do not exercise close to bedtime.

Exercise during the morning or day can benefit your sleep, as it expends energy, which helps you feel more tired in the evening. But exercise too close to bedtime and it can cause your body temperature to spike, making it more difficult to fall asleep when you need to.

3. Take a shower. Cool your body with a cool or tepid shower before bed. If you wake in the night and cannot fall back asleep, have another cool shower.

4. Use a fan. The ideal sleeping temperature is around 17 to 19 degrees Celsius, says the Sleep Health Foundation. Unless you have air-conditioning, this is hard to achieve, so you will need to have air flowing over your skin to offload heat from your body. Ceiling fans are useful here, but any type of small or pedestal fan will make a difference.

5. Open a window. An open window can help circulate the air as it cools overnight, but unless you have a flyscreen it can also let in mosquitoes and flies. Hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window will cool the air entering your bedroom (and may prevent mozzies from entering too).

6. Reduce bedding and bed clothes. Expose as much of your skin to the air as possible with light clothing such as sleeveless tops, loose-fitting shorts, underwear or nothing at all if that is comfortable.

Invest in sheets and pillowcases made from natural fibres like cotton, linen or bamboo, which are more breathable than those made from synthetic fabric.

If you like sleeping with a sheet, have it loosely draped over the bed so you can stick your feet out in the middle of the night – this can actually cool you down!

Your temperature reaches a low point between 3am and 5am, so keep a light blanket close by.

7. Stay hydrated. If you cannot lower the temperature of your room your body will cool you down through sweating. Make sure you go to bed well hydrated, and keep some water near your bed to make sure you can replenish the liquid you are losing.

How to Support a Struggling Mate

When you notice a friend is going through a tough time, it can be hard to know how to help them. What do you say? What if it opens up a whole can of worms that you cannot cope with? What if they get offended?

Here are two expert tools you can use:


ALEC was developed by R U OK? Day, and is recommended by Movember.

It is a four-step process to help you navigate a conversation with a friend who might be doing it tough.

This explanation of ALEC comes from Movember.

A stands for Ask

Start by asking how he is feeling. It is worth mentioning any changes you have picked up on.

Use a prompt like, “You have not seemed yourself lately – are you feeling OK?”

You might have to ask twice. People often say “I’m fine” when they are not, so do not be afraid to ask twice. You can use something specific you have noticed, like, “It is just that you have not been replying to my texts, and that is not like you.��

L is for listen

Give him your full attention. Let him know you are hearing what he is saying and you are not judging. You do not have to diagnose problems or offer solutions.

Ask questions along the way, such as, “That cannot be easy – how long have you left this way?”

R U OK? adds this suggestion: Remind them whilst the distress they are feeling at this point in time may be overwhelming, it would not be permanent, and having a plan and support network is a great way of handling the distress.

E is for encourage action

Help him focus on simple things that might improve how he feels. Is he getting enough sleep? Is he exercising and eating well? Maybe there was something that had helped in the past – it is worth asking.

Suggest that he share how he is feeling with others he trusts, including his GP or a mental health professional. This will make things easier for both of you.

C is for check in

Suggest you catch up soon – in person if you can. If you cannot manage a meet-up, make time for a call, or drop him a message. This helps to show that you care; plus, you will get a feel for whether he is feeling any better.

2. The conversation practice tool

On their website, Movember offers a tool that allows you to practise a conversation ahead of time. You can use suggested prompts, or practise conversations for particular situations such as a relationship breakup.

The Problem with Salt

You need it to survive, but too much and you risk major health issues. We look at where salt is, and how to use less.

Salt is made up of sodium and chloride. Of these two elements, it is the sodium that is the problem. We need a small amount of sodium to stay alive – to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals.

But because most of us eat twice the recommended amount of salt, we end up with too much sodium in our blood. The body then holds onto water to dilute the sodium, increasing the volume of blood in the bloodstream. This can lead to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and premature death.

“High blood pressure is the biggest cause of death in the world,” said Graham MacGregor, a UK professor of cardiovascular medicine and chair of the campaigning group Action on Salt, in the Guardian online.

“Sixty per cent of strokes are due to high blood pressure, and 50 per cent of all heart disease is due to raised blood pressure.”

Even if high blood pressure is not a concern for you, MacGregor explains that a high salt diet can cause you to excrete more calcium. This makes it more likely that your bones will thin as you age, putting you at risk of osteoporosis.


How to eat less salt

  • Cut back on overly processed and packaged foods. This is where you will find 75 per cent of the salt we consume. The worst offenders are salty snack foods, packaged ‘ready meals’, burgers and pizza, processed meats such as ham and bacon, and certain sauces and condiments.
  • Read labels. Surprisingly, foods we do not think of as salty can contain high amounts too, such as bread and breakfast cereals, so it pays to compare products. Food labels in many countries list total sodium content, so choose products with less than 400mg sodium per 100g, ideally less than 120mg per 100g.
  • Cook your own meals. Cooking with fresh, unprocessed ingredients means you can control the amount of salt you use, and eating fewer takeaway and pre-packaged meals will automatically lower your salt intake.
  • Use salt alternatives. Herbs, spices, lemon juice and vinegars in your cooking can add flavour with less sodium. You can also buy low-sodium versions of traditional high-salt products, like soy sauce. Over time your tastebuds adapt to less salt, and food starts to taste better.

Eat Smarter


Prunes have suffered something of an image problem in the past, due to their well-known role in treating constipation. But the benefits of prunes, or dried plums, go way beyond your digestive health.

  • Bone strength. A 2022 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating five or six prunes a day helped women past menopause to preserve bone mineral density in their hips, which could translate to a lower risk of osteoporosis and fewer bone breaks. And it is not because of calcium. The researchers speculated that the daily handful of prunes lowered inflammatory chemicals that contribute to bone breakdown.
  • Blood sugar. Despite being fairly high in carbs, prunes do not cause a substantial rise in blood sugar levels. The fibre in prunes slows the rate your body absorbs carbs after a meal, and prunes also appear to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that plays a role in blood sugar regulation.
  • Heart health. A number of studies has found that prunes benefit your heart. Eating prunes and drinking prune juice improved levels of HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol, decreased ‘bad’ or LDL cholesterol and lowered blood pressure. It is thought that the combination of fibre, potassium and antioxidants is what makes prunes heart protective.

World Osteoporosis Day is 20 October. For more information on bone health, visit

1 Thing You Can Do Today

Shed a tear or two

When you are watching a sad movie, listening to a sad song, or remembering a sad event, how easy is it for you to have a good cry? If you rarely cry because you are uncomfortable, seeing it as a weakness or a loss of control, you could be missing out. Crying, it turns out, is a healthy response, and can benefit you in many ways:

  • Releases stress. We carry around a lot of stress and when we cry in response to this, our tears contain a number of stress hormones and other chemicals. Researchers think crying can reduce the levels of these chemicals in the body, which in turn may reduce stress.
  • Can improve mood. A surprising finding, but crying may lift your spirits and help you feel better. It is all down to the hormone oxytocin and feel-good chemicals called endorphins that are released when you cry, which, incidentally, can also help reduce pain.
  • Soothes your emotions. One study found that crying can have a self-soothing effect. Self-soothing is when you are able to regulate your own emotions and calm yourself. The study explained that crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps people relax.

While crying can be a healthy response, if continuing sad thoughts are causing you distress, seek support from your doctor or mental health professional.

How to Talk About Candy with Your Children

It is Halloween at the end of this month, and for anyone with children, that can mean candy. Lots and lots of candy.

It is a tricky situation: you do not want your children eating too much sugar (and all those artificial additives). And yet you want your children to grow up seeing food as a source of joy, not shame.

You know from experience that if you deny yourself a certain food, you end up craving it. We tend to want what we cannot have.

So how should you handle it?

Registered dietitian and producer of Nutrition for Littlies, Alyssa Miller, says there is nothing wrong with sweet food. It is just an intense source of instant energy.

“In the end, we want to raise conscious eaters, who know how foods affect their body and how to eat all foods in a way that makes them feel good,” says Miller.

She says to keep focusing on how foods make us feel instead of warning your children they will be sick if they eat too many Halloween lollies, say something like, “My belly gets a little upset when I eat too much candy, I think I will have a few tonight and save some for another day.”

If – or when you eat candy, stop yourself from saying things like “I’m being bad tonight” or “I’m going to have to go to the gym tomorrow.”

Remember: no food is “bad”, and eating is not something that should ever be punished.

When You Eat Matters More Than You Think

What you eat is important, no question. But what about when you eat? We shine a light on how the timing of your meals can affect your health.

The time of the day you eat most of your food can affect your weight, appetite, chronic disease risk and your body’s ability to burn and store fat.

It is called “chrononutrition”, and it is an emerging area of research that looks at how the timing of your meals affects your circadian rhythm.

Do not eat too much, too late

People whose largest meal is in the evening may be heavier and have bigger blood fats and blood sugar after eating, found a 2020 review of studies published the Journal of Neurochemistry.

But before you get too alarmed, this does not mean you have to skip dinner or go to bed hungry.

“Nothing bad is going to happen if you eat a balanced dinner earlier in the evening, or have a small protein-rich snack to quell hunger pangs before you go to bed,” says dietitian Abby Langer.

“Your body knows what to do with the food you consume in the dark, trust me.”

Alan Flanagan, author of the 2020 study, agrees, saying it is more about thinking about total energy distribution throughout the whole day.

“In people with impaired glucose control [higher than normal blood sugar levels] the evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of greater distribution of total daily energy earlier in the days,” he says.

“When over 35 per cent of energy comes later in the day, that’s pretty consistently associated with increased BMI, body fat percentage, and cardiometabolic risk, in particular diabetes risk.”

Other studies from 2022 supported these conclusions, finding:

  • People were significantly hungrier than they had a late-eating compared to early-eating schedule.
  • Later eating caused people to burn less fat and fewer calories, and pushed their fat cells to store more fat.
  • Earlier eaters had greater improvements in their blood sugar, cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity (a marker of diabetes risk) and lost more weight than later eaters.

Making it work for you

It is not practical for many of us to eat our largest meal in the morning, so how can you optimise your health without too much disruption?

  • Do not skip breakfast. This does not mean you have to eat as soon as you get up, but try to eat the majority of your calories during the morning and afternoon.
  • Aim to eat dinner earlier in the evening. Avoid sitting down at 10pm to eat. Instead, if you are a late eater, start by moving your meal at least one hour earlier than usual, aiming to eat dinner no later than two to three hours before bed.
  • Lighten the load. Make dinner a meal that is chock full of vegetables rather than carbohydrates, and switch to eating most of your carbs (bread, pasta etc) to earlier in the day when you are more sensitive to insulin. You will still gain benefits even if you can only do this for four or five days a week.