How can something this sweet, juicy and refreshing be good
for you too?

Pineapple is not only a perfect snack or dessert, it also
has surprising health benefits.
It contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has two
seemingly different benefits, it’s good for your digestion, and good for
tenderising meat: Bromelain breaks down proteins, so it helps your gut digest
your dinner AND helps soften that piece of chicken on the BBQ.
Some studies even indicate that bromelain can reduce
inflammation, swelling and bruising after injury or surgery. It’s even thought
to help with pain relief.
Pineapple is also high in vitamin C. In fact, one cup of
fresh pineapple chunks will give you more than 130 per cent of your daily
vitamin C requirements. And it is full of other goodies such as thiamine,
manganese, vitamin B6, folate and antioxidants.
How to avoid pineapple tongue burn
Ever eaten fresh pineapple and felt as though your taste
buds have been wiped out? That’s the bromelain. It breaks down proteins,
including the protective mucus that coats your tongue. To avoid this problem,
while gaining the many benefits of pineapple, you could try one of these
- Soak the fresh pineapple in salt
water first
- Eat the pineapple with diary such
as yoghurt
- Cook the pineapple, as this
destroys the bromelain (but also reduces the benefits)
- Cut out the tough core, where
bromelain is the most concentrated.